The Popular name in the aquarium fish shop is Angel Fish. The Angelfish are found in nature with black bars on a silver colored body. This is found in slow flowing rivers in South America.
When you set up an aquarium for your Angel Fish, you should try to make the aquarium in natural environment. The water moments must be slow as your Angel comes from slow flowing rivers. So that you’re Angel Fish feel like a home. You can use Plants like Amazon Sword Plants. You can easily find them in Aquarium shops.
Water pH level must be between 6.5 and 7.2. Frequent water changes must be performed. To get a healthy Angel Fish.
Many foods are available in aquarium shop which more nutritious for your Angel Fish. Feed Angel fish with variety of diet such as black worms, brine shrimp, flake & beef heart mixed.
Availability: Angel fish are readily available online and in fish stores in many different color and varieties. The price ranges starting INR 10 - 100. Prices vary depending on size and variety.