Beautiful Discus Fish has made a place in heart of many hobbyists throughout the world.
These peaceful, quiet and colorful discus fish inspire appreciation and dedication like no other fish.
Discus Fish have been appreciated by many hobbyists since more then 70 years.
All Discus fish are from the Amazon region in South America. The water in this region is acidic and you should therefore provide your Discus with a pH between 6 and 6.5. It is also important to keep the water soft (0-3dH) in the aquarium.
Discus fish are sensitive to water chemistry and will deteriorate under poor water conditions. Do water changes of 50% a week. The more water that you change, "Helps keep the fish doctor away". They are subject to infections as well as other diseases that ail all freshwater fish.
Discus likes to stay in the shadow. With water temperature of (26-31° C), Discus are more susceptible to disease in lower temperatures.
Discus fish are a schooling fish. So we have to keep at least minimum 6 discus fish in an aquarium.
When you first introduce these fish to your aquarium avoid bright lighting. They may initially prefer subdued lighting because of their shyness, but once they become comfortable normal aquarium lighting works fine.
Discus fish will swim in the middle and bottom of the aquarium.
Discus will generally eat all kinds of live foods and need to be offered a variety. Many pellets & flake foods are available in aquarium shops which are more nutritious for Discus Fish.
I only feed adult brine shrimp and beef heart mixed to my Discus fish.
Availability: Discus Fish are rarely available so it’s expensive. You can purchase them from pet stores, breeders and online. The price ranges starting INR 100 onwrds. Prices vary depending on size and variety.